storyteller within
women's sacred expression retreats
reviews of the retreats

"Love, inspiration and space for each of us."
- Katie, Idaho
"I am still overwhelmed by each layer of opportunity for growth and self reflection that was offered by this retreat. The relationships that were created and the space that was given to, for and from each of us. I was not expecting it to be such a unifying, self-image challenging experience. The writing circles were introduced in a way that invited honesty and an immediate sense of support and non-judgment from the group. I liked that sharing was encouraged but never forced. It was a beautiful space for the witnessing of each of our souls. Just letting things breath and be received in a safe place is huge. Aimee showed up everyday with love, inspiration and space for each of us. And had the presence to move with whatever flexibility may be needed or surprises may have been presented. She made everyone feel truly loved and special. She is love, 100% magic and such a gift. Just by being whatever force she is, I got smacked upside the head with the thing I’d really needed to deal with and had decided I wasn’t going to touch on this trip. The meditations and intentions that Robin opened each yoga practice with were (aside from being wonderfully woven into the themes we were working within the writing circle) presented so openly and with an energy that begged you to show up for yourself. Her energy is a light that warms over and reveals beauty in everything it comes into contact with. She led a practice each day that really set me up to connect with myself and be present for the rest of the day. I also love dancing and had forgotten how to use it to release my emotions, so this is definitely something I am taking with me. I was absolutely captivated by the beautiful human beings that Aimee invited into our lives for the ceremonies. One of my main takeaways is that denying myself truth, pleasure, connection is not something that is serving me anymore. I think somewhere I equated pleasure with weakness. I think I have built a false sense of strength through denying desire. I am taking away a new commitment to myself. Seeing the beauty, humanity and vulnerability reflected by each woman in the circle everyday made me want to be kinder to myself. Every time I saw a woman release a self-imposed, hurtful belief, realize she already was a force she desired to be, or truly connect with another woman from a place of genuine care...with nothing motivating it other than love, I realize that I can and to give these things to myself. I am taking with me self care, self love and so much forgiveness as I journey into life lead by my heart and not lived between the lines of excuses I’ve been giving myself. My favorite parts were the random moments of true connection with each woman. This retreat is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself. Be ready to show up. You owe it to yourself to think about the reasons you’d say no. Think about where they are coming from and if those places are parts of yourself you want to continue to feed. Know that this is an environment of safety and love. There is magic all over this place, event, and the people drawn to it. I am filled right now with literally every single emotion. So don’t come if you want to just be healed...or fixed. What’s different now is that I have a new love and respect for myself that is reinforced by the picture in my heart of the faces of this circle of women reflecting back to me love, hope, generosity, vulnerability, power, bravery, grace and light. I feel like part of the magic comes from whatever is pulling each one of us inside to come. Know that you will leave with exactly what the Universe is preparing you to receive. I am so grateful I made the journey."