storyteller within
women's sacred expression retreats
the call of a women's circle...

“For thousands of years, in tribes and villages around the world, women have come together in circles to share, to teach, to listen, to learn. The pulse of these women still beats within us. Their wisdom flows through time, whispering to us the song of female connection and beauty. We only need to stop long enough and put our ear to our heart to hear the call.” (HeatherAsh Amara)
“A circle of women may just be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. Hold on. Love it up. Get Naked. Let them see you. Let them hold you. Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle. You will be changed. The very fabric of your being will be altered by this, if you allow it. Please, please allow it.”
(Jeanette LeBlanc)
“What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.” (Muriel Rukeyser)

“Call it what you want - a gaggle of goddesses, a women's group, a femme flock, a power posse, a girl gang - it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you have women who will stand by you, women who will reflect back to you just how much you are and just how much you are here to share. There is no great spiritual tool for revealing your soul than a bevy of women who believe in you." (Megan Watterson)

“The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet." (Adrienne Rich)

“In the company of women, it's easier for each of us to remember our own truth. We remember that our lives depend on our capacity to drop all facades and pretenses. We remember the bliss of just accepting that we are here to be ourselves. And we remember, together, that the most powerful place for us to be, even if it's sometimes terrifying, is fully in our body, so that we can move with the vulnerability and compassion of a broken-open heart." (Megan Watterson)

“Somewhere there are people to whom we can speak with passion without having the words catch in our throats. Somewhere a circle of hands will open to receive us, eyes will light up as we enter, voices will celebrate with us whenever we come into our own power. Community means strength that joins our own strength to do our work that needs to be done. Arms to hold us when we falter. A circle of healing. A circle of friends. A place where we can be free." (Starhawk)