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Move to a Village in Italy Or...


Now, how do I possibly let you know what you will actually get from this retreat experience?

One truth. All of the above are things that women have shared with me were directly catalyzed by this experience. And much more. 

One woman (and dear one) even joked I needed to put a 90 day guarantee because things happened SO FAST for her once she realized how guarded she’d been against letting love in again.

But you see, that readiness was ripe in the becoming fruit of her soul and sixty years of embodied self. What the retreat did was to surface the awareness of that readiness to her. Without urgency or need. She was surprised! She's since joined me another two times.

Another truth. What I’ve suspected is that women who choose this retreat already sense a stirring in their soul, they are at an internal crossroads or internal precipice of change or reckoning, and it is THAT very stirring that compels them to this truly catalytic space we create.

What change comes from that is dependent upon what is waiting to be revealed, recognized, emerged, or validated. And I have a deep reverence for the magic that rises this!

More truths? What can I promise from the Journey Into Sacred Expression women’s retreat?

You’ll be more aware of the lies you tell against yourself and less abiding of them. You’ll be more aware of the calls of your heart and less able to invalidate them. You’ll be more open to the breadth of who you are and less willing to be unkind to self. You’ll be more in presence of your vivid energy and less willing to dull it.

You’ll be encouraged to embrace a matter-of-factness towards self-valuing and self-love. You’ll find an unconditional sisterhood witness in corners of your stories, and the balm that creates will return power that was stowed away in them back to you.

It will be enough for me - in fact, everything - if you walk away simply feeling more allowing and embracing in living YOU. But what else might that mean? Well, my love, that’s up to you. And the authenticity of your heart and soul.

And I trust nobody but you with it.

Much love,


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